HP Crafts

Minecraft Builds

Custom Builds

Builds made upon request


.schem / .litematic


Premade maps and hub's

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About Me

It’s all about being creative and making things for people to enjoy. I Make Minecraft schematics and builds in the from of World Edit schematics and Litematica schematics. You can also buy premade maps or hubs and even make requests to make something just for you or your server! And all of this for a great price because this is a hobby of mine.

Contact me through Discord or buy one of my schematics / maps right now.


Being able to create builds for people is something I really enjoy. Building the things you want for yourself or your Minecraft server and having people enjoy it is what it is all about.

Different styles

Building is different styles is always a challenge I love to take on. Desert, Medieval, Modern you name and I will build something amazing. From dungeons and maps to single buildings or houses.

Easy to implement

You buy one of my schematics and it is up to you what you want to use. .Schem, .Litematic and a map is included in the download. This way you don't have to download additional mods and transfer over from one to another.

Featured Projects

Take a look at some of the projects I have done already. In my portfolio you can check bigger projects I have build for people or servers. Simple schematics won’t be displayed here. You can check my schematics in the shop. Check out the Portfolio page to see all projects.


From premade minecraft schematics to customs builds and maps. Take look at the services I provide and if you have any further questions please feel free to contact me on Discord

Custom Builds

Request a custom build for you. This wil not be for purchase for other people. It is possible for me to work on your server or make a schematic / map for you. This comes at a higher price then a standard schematic.
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Take a look at my library of schematics. Varying in prices and lots of different styles and builds to pick from. These are all premade and easy to implement.
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Download Maps, Hub's and dungeons for yourself or your server.
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Do you want a custom build?